MYDOS 4.5 – TOMS Navigator 1.1B
MYDOS 4.5 (C) Wordmark
TOMS Navigator 1.1B (P) 1993 Husky/DMDV
- DUP replaced with Navigator
- Atari ST / IBM file transfers (TOMS disk drives)
Short information.
DUP.SYS- Toms Navigator
some options:
-ctrl R- read directory
-Q- quit
-U- copy from cassete
-A- lock/unlock file
-Space- tag file
-S- tag/untag all files
-Tab- turn the window
-ctrl O- show the screen under
the windows.
AUTORUN.SYS- set the ramdisk.
STIBM- copy files on the IBM format.
BASIC- turn on/off BASIC.
INIT- store the intializer on disk.
COPY- all disk copier.
System disk (ATR): MyDos 4.5 Toms Navigator 1.1B
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