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MYDOS 4.55 with MYRAMD2

MYDOS 4.55
MYRAMD2 (C) 2003 Lee Barnes

MyDos 4.55 - Screenshot 01

MyDos 4.55 – Screenshot 01

The patched MyDOS 4.55:

MyDOS 4.50 and above (4.5x) does not
do BASIC with a ramdisk. It also does
not do ramdisks larger than 256k
(320k machines). It also does not do
unique ramdisks like Mathy’s

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MYDOS 4.53/3 with Source Code

MYDOS 4.53/3 with RamBoot and Source Code

MyDos 4.53-3 Source - Screenshot 01

MyDos 4.53-3 Source – Screenshot 01

MyDos 4.53-3 Source - Screenshot 02

MyDos 4.53-3 Source – Screenshot 02

  • RB6C.AR = Original RamBoot
  • RB6C2.AR0 = Improved RamBoot (Raphael James Espino)

MyDOS V.4.53/3

Original program by

Charles Marslett and Bob Puff

v.4.53/3 Mods. by David R. Eichel

Released 1/1/90


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