Tagged: source code

Antic’s Trigger Throttle (with source code)

Antic’s Trigger Throttle (C) 1987 Matthew Ratcliff

Antic's Trigger Throttle - Screenshot 01

Antic’s Trigger Throttle – Screenshot 01

Antic's Trigger Throttle - Screenshot 02

Antic’s Trigger Throttle – Screenshot 02

  • Use with modem
  • Sends Control-S / Control Q with joystick trigger to toggle scrolling text
  • Includes MAC/65 source code
  • EXEcutable file

Bootable disk (ATR / 7-Zip): Antic’s Trigger Throttle • • •   » read more »  


Zilch (C) 2018 Bocianu / LiSU

Zilch - Screenshot 01

Zilch – Screenshot 01

Zilch - Screenshot 02

Zilch – Screenshot 02

  • Rolling dice
  • Up to 4 players (human or computer)
  • Written in Mad Pascal
  • Released at Wapniak Atari Party, Warsaw, 2-June-2018
  • In-game instructions
  • EXEcutable file
  • Source code available
  • Gitlab project page

How to play the fine game

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Util (C) 1989 Charles Marslett
Tag: source code - THUNDERDOME – the ATARI site | THUNDERDOME - the ATARI site

  • To read/write Atari XL/XE double density disks on PC system
  • Requires MS-Dos
  • Includes source code
  • 64 Bit processors NOT supported

The UTIL program is used to read and write Atari double density diskettes on an IBM-compatible computer. The two source files for the utility are

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SIOCopy (C) 1994 Michael Munoz

SIOCOPY - Wiring 01

SIOCOPY – Wiring 01

  • Connecting an Atari 1050 disk drive to a PC printer port
  • Includes wiring diagram, 32 bit DOS EXEcutable and Borland C source code

You should have as a minimum the following files:

siocopy.cpp the c++ source code
siocopy.exe the executable

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Hyperspeed (C) 1995, 1997 Len Spencer

Hyperspeed - Screenshot 01

Hyperspeed – Screenshot 01

  • High speed RS232 driver
  • Versions for MIO and Black Box
  • Includes assembler source code

I have finally released the HyperSpeed handler as freeware. This archive
contains the binary files for both the Multi-IO and Black Box versions, as
well as

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