Tagged: document

Family Tree

The Family Tree (C) 1983 Harry Koons

Family Tree - Screenshot 01

Family Tree – Screenshot 01

Family Tree - Screenshot 02

Family Tree – Screenshot 02

  • Version 1.0P
  • From Antic magazine
  • Family tree manager in BASIC
  • Single density program disk
  • Single density documentation disk

Bootable disk (ATR / 7-Zip): The Familiy Tree
Documentation (ODT): The Familiy Tree
Documentation as  • • •   » read more »  

Computer Demos – What Makes Them Tick?

Computer Demos – What Makes Them Tick? (CC) 2010 Markku Reunanen

Reunanen Licthesis - Screenshot 01

Reunanen Licthesis – Screenshot 01

School of Science and Technology
Faculty of Information and Natural Sciences
Department of Media Technology
Author: Markku Reunanen
Date: April 23, 2010
Pages: 134
Title of thesis: Computer  • • •   » read more »  

Bobterm 1.02

Bobterm 1.02 (C) 1989 Robert Puff

Bobterm 1.02 - Screenshot 01

Bobterm 1.02 – Screenshot 01

Bobterm 1.02 - Screenshot 02

Bobterm 1.02 – Screenshot 02

Bobterm 1.02 - Screenshot 03

Bobterm 1.02 – Screenshot 03

  • Up to 19200 baud
  • DOS file

Bootable disk (ATR / 7-Zip): Bobterm 1.02
Documentation (ODT): Bobterm 1.0 docs
Documentation as below (PDF): Bobterm  • • •   » read more »  

BobTerm 1.21

BobTerm 1.21 (C) 1990 Robert Puff

BobTerm 1.21 - Screenshot 01

BobTerm 1.21 – Screenshot 01

BobTerm 1.21 - Screenshot 02

BobTerm 1.21 – Screenshot 02

BobTerm 1.21 - Screenshot 03

BobTerm 1.21 – Screenshot 03

  • The Atari 8-Bit terminal
  • 300 To 19200 baud
  • Supports XEP80, XM, MPP and R:Verter
  • DOS files

Bootable disk (ATR / 7-Zip): Bobterm 1.21
Documentation (ODT): Bobterm 1.21 docs • • •   » read more »  

Rana Systems 1000

Rana Systems 1000

Rana 1000 - Screenshot 01

Rana 1000 – Screenshot 01

  • Schematics (6502CPU) by Jerzy Sobola 2000, 2008
  • Schematics (8031CPU) by Jerzy Sobola 2008
  • RANA6502.ROM – 4096bytes – CRC32: B32E9C84
  • RANA8031.ROM – 4096bytes – CRC32: 0E581853

Schematics (PNG / 7-Zip): Rana Systems 1000 Schematics
ROMs (ROM / 7-Zip): Rana Systems 1000 ROMs
Installation  • • •   » read more »