Tagged: pc

Computer Demos – What Makes Them Tick?

Computer Demos – What Makes Them Tick? (CC) 2010 Markku Reunanen

Reunanen Licthesis - Screenshot 01

Reunanen Licthesis – Screenshot 01

School of Science and Technology
Faculty of Information and Natural Sciences
Department of Media Technology
Author: Markku Reunanen
Date: April 23, 2010
Pages: 134
Title of thesis: Computer  • • •   » read more »  

Happy Xfer Utility

Happy PC File XFer Utility (C) 1987 Happy Computers, Inc

Happy Xfr-modified - Screenshot 01

Happy Xfr-modified – Screenshot 01

Happy Xfr-modified - Screenshot 02

Happy Xfr-modified – Screenshot 02

  • Modified by Lee Barnes, 2000
  • EXEcutable DOS file

Modified Happy PC File Transfer Program

The original transfer program worked fine as it was, except it did not convert Tabs

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MAS65 1.00.01

MAS65 v1.00.01 (C) 1996 Douglas Beattie Jr.

MAS65 - Screenshot 01

MAS65 – Screenshot 01

  • 6502 Macro cross-assembler for PC
  • 32-Bit DOS system required

MAS65 for MS/PC-DOS v1.00.01, Copyright (C) 1996, Douglas Beattie Jr.

Macro cross-assembler for true 6502 processors

* powerful macro nesting to 25 levels
macro arguments: 7 allowed
local labels: 7

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Util (C) 1989 Charles Marslett
Tag: pc - THUNDERDOME – the ATARI site | THUNDERDOME - the ATARI site

  • To read/write Atari XL/XE double density disks on PC system
  • Requires MS-Dos
  • Includes source code
  • 64 Bit processors NOT supported

The UTIL program is used to read and write Atari double density diskettes on an IBM-compatible computer. The two source files for the utility are

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IMU 1.4

Atari Image Utility v1.4 (C) 199? Willi Kusche
Tag: pc - THUNDERDOME – the ATARI site | THUNDERDOME - the ATARI site

  • Add or extract Atari 8-Bit files to/from disk images
  • Supports ATR and XFD
  • Requires 32 bit MS-Dos system or AmigaDos

“IMU.EXE” is a utility for working with the diskette image files used by the “XF25” Atari emulator for MS/DOS and by the

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SIOCopy (C) 1994 Michael Munoz

SIOCOPY - Wiring 01

SIOCOPY – Wiring 01

  • Connecting an Atari 1050 disk drive to a PC printer port
  • Includes wiring diagram, 32 bit DOS EXEcutable and Borland C source code

You should have as a minimum the following files:

siocopy.cpp the c++ source code
siocopy.exe the executable

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MYDOS 4.5 – TOMS Navigator 1.1B

MYDOS 4.5 (C) Wordmark
TOMS Navigator 1.1B (P) 1993 Husky/DMDV

MyDos 4.5 TOMS Navigator 1.1b - Screenshot 01

MyDos 4.5 TOMS Navigator 1.1b – Screenshot 01

MyDos 4.5 TOMS Navigator 1.1b - Screenshot 02

MyDos 4.5 TOMS Navigator 1.1b – Screenshot 02

  • DUP replaced with Navigator
  • Atari ST / IBM file transfers (TOMS disk drives)

Short information.

DUP.SYS- Toms Navigator
some options:

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