Tagged: steve

Watch Diz

Watch Diz (C) 1990 High Tech Team

Watch Diz - Screenshot 01

Watch Diz – Screenshot 01

Watch Diz - Screenshot 02

Watch Diz – Screenshot 02

Watch Diz - Screenshot 03

Watch Diz – Screenshot 03

  • Digitized music with speech sample
  • Credits: DDT-Crew, Solarsystems, Steve Zipp, The Exterminator, Stormtrooper, Prizm, Frankenstein
  • EXEcutable file

Bootable disk (ATR / 7-Zip): Watch Diz • • •   » read more »  

Disk Doctor 2.0

Disk Doctor 2.0 (C) 1983 Steve Kaufman

Disk Doctor 2.0 - Screenshot 01

Disk Doctor 2.0 – Screenshot 01

Disk Doctor 2.0 - Screenshot 02

Disk Doctor 2.0 – Screenshot 02

Disk Doctor 2.0 - Screenshot 03

Disk Doctor 2.0 – Screenshot 03

  • Disk tools
  • Sector editor
  • Disassembler
  • Numeric conversion
  • Disk drive configuration
  • BASIC file

Bootable disk (ATR / 7-Zip): Disk Doctor 2.0 • • •   » read more »