APC Archiver 2.1

APC Archiver v2.1 (C) 1995 GSL / APC

APC Archiver 2.1 - Screenshot 01

APC Archiver 2.1 – Screenshot 01

APC Archiver 2.1 - Screenshot 02

APC Archiver 2.1 – Screenshot 02

  • Requires at least 256KB, 320KB max.
  • Creates archives of disks, and back
  • Single, medium and double density
  • English and Polish documentation
  • EXEcutable DOS files

autor: GSL of APC
vel : Mariusz Kropiwnicki

This program was written to archive disks. At last APC ARC archives disks in all densities (S,M,D)

At first some info about this proggy.

1.Archiver packs data with two methods:
-1st pass – pointer packer
-2nd pass – sequence-bit packer
2.Program needs 256kB memory to work, but sometimes it’s not enough (filled double density disks), so in these cases 320kB expansion is suggested.
3.Archiver (same as ver.2.0) checks the control-sum, so all data damages are signalized during/after depacking. It can also be used to check if arc is working correctly. To do it simply pack a few disk-sides and try to depack it. If unarchiver wants to save data – everything’s OK. If not – try again, if it not helps – sorry, there are three posibilities:
a) Your comp is broken
b) Your version is broken (write to me – I’ll send You good one)
c) You found a bug in program – let me know!
3.APC ARC was tested by Gumisoft and LBS (both from APC) – we pack many disks and everything (usually) was OK.

We used ATARI with 256 kB (TOMS 260) and 320 kB (compatibile with TOMS 260, if You want to check it – TOMS COPIER 2.0 shows 248 kB RAM). This expansion was published in “Atari magazyn” issue 5/94.
4.APC ARC 2.1 package includes also ARC and UNARC with expansion .CS. These are versions adapted for COMPY SHOP memory-expansion (it was described in “BARYMAG #1). I know that CS expansion is very popular, but, unfortunatell I know NO (in range 100km) users of it, so I couldn’t check if it’s working. If You have CS – please, let me know if it’s working!!!
4.This is SHAREWARE program, so You can make millions of copies of it, but if You use it, You should send me few dolls (You’ll receive new versions and some progs from APC)
5.All of critisizm, notes, ideas, questions, gifts (explosives will be send back!), money, letters and stuff send to:

Mariusz Kropiwnicki
ul.Olsztyoska 5/8
15-870 Biaoystok

Bootable disk (ATR / 7-Zip): APC Archiver 2.1

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