Chemistry Tutor 1.3
The Chemistry Tutor v1.3 (C) 1989 John Kennedy
- From ANTIC
- Tutor in BASIC
CHEMTUTR.BAS is the name of the programme.
At the menu, OPTION cycles through the choices.
SELECT will begin to run the programme at the choice you OPTed.
The first three choices give 10 questions giving a running total of correct/incorrect responses.
Name Ions, for example, gives an ions symbol and charge… you must name it (e.g. CLO3, charge -1 is CHLORATE).
An element with more than one oxidation number is referenced with roman numerals (e.g. Fe with a +2 oxidation number is “Iron (II)” (LEAVE a space between the element’s name and the first parenthesis and type accurately to get credit for the correct answer!)
In the module to WRITE SYMBOLS and CHARGES, the programme gives the name of an ion, you must give the symbolic description. E.g. CARBONATE is answered as CO3, and the student will be asked for the charge (-2) and both answers must be correct for credit!
Use a minus sign (of course) for a negative charge, the plus sign for positive charges is optional.
Use the SHIFT key for capital letters and abbreviations of elements MUST be correctly capitalized (Fe for iron, NOT FE, fe or fE).
There are three options on equation balancing and mass calculations (stoichiometry).
The WRITE FORMULA or WRITE NAME will want things like LITHIUM CYANATE or LiOCN as an answer.
Balancing equations is just that. Balance it! (use the arrow keys to move from one compound to the next) (a blank in front of something like O2 will be interpreted standardly as a coefficient of “1”)
The help window indicates which reactants are balanced AND THE FINAL RESULT MUST BE IN LEAST INTEGER MULTIPLES TO BE CORRECT!
H2 + .5O2 = H2O is WRONG
4H2 + 2O2 = 4H2O is WRONG
2H2 + O2 = 2H2O is correct!
For mass equations, the equation must first be balanced, then a mass is given for one reactant… you must then calculate (and give) the masses for the other reactants and products.
Lines 100-910 have the information on the ions (name, oxidation number, code for polyatomic (1) or monoatomic (0) and the atomic weight.
NN and NP in line 45 are initialized to the # of pos/neg ions. You may alter this to select only part of the list.
This is a chemistry educational programme and will be useless to anyone not familiar with chemistry and the problems for which it provides quizzes and solutions.
Bootable disk (ATR / 7-Zip): Chemistry Tutor 1.3
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