MYDOS 4.53/4 Customizer

MYDOS 4.53/4 Customizer

MyDos 4.53 Customizer - Screenshot 01

MyDos 4.53 Customizer – Screenshot 01

MyDos 4.53 Customizer - Screenshot 02

MyDos 4.53 Customizer – Screenshot 02

  • Author / release date unknown

This is a simple Atari BASIC program.
It customizes the DUP.SYS file of
MyDos 4.50. It allows you to set a
default screen color, border color,
text luminance, and left margin. These
defaults are applied when the user
types DOS.
The program also creates a 1-sector
binary load file called RUNDUP.OBJ.
RUNDUP.OBJ allows you to modify certain
binary load files, so that upon exit,
instead of re-loading DUP.SYS, they
will jump directly to the DUP.SYS menu.
RUNDUP.OBJ does no checking to see if
an uncorrupted copy of DUP exists in
RAM, so be careful!
Full documentation is included in the

System disk (ATR): MyDos 4.50 Customizer

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