Ultra Speed Sector Copier 2

Ultra Speed Sector Copier 2 (C) E. Reuss

Ultra Speed Sector Copier 2 - Screenshot 01

Ultra Speed Sector Copier 2 – Screenshot 01

Ultra Speed Sector Copier 2 - Screenshot 02

Ultra Speed Sector Copier 2 – Screenshot 02

  • Single/medium/double density
  • Dual drive copy
  • Supports 130XE memory
  • EXEcutable file

Bootable disk (ATR / 7-Zip): Ultra Speed Sector Copier 2

2 Responses

  1. Lamont says:

    I would like to download a copy of the sector copier, but the file won’t download.

    • Fox-1 says:

      I see what you mean…

      Actually, none of the downloads seem to work! As the site is also unusually slow something must be going on. I’m at it right now…

      edit 1:
      Looks like a browser thingy. When selecting the download and using “save as” works as expected. Only thing I could do was checking the “mime-types” on the site and these seem to be all right.

      Tested with latest Firefox, Firefox ESR and Epic (Chromium-based) and those all show the exact same behavour.

      edit 2: Solved. (An overactive firewall thought he knew it better than me)

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