Disk Formats Explained

Disk Formats Explained

Disk Formats Explained - THUNDERDOME – the ATARI site | THUNDERDOME - the ATARI site

Disks Formats Explained – Screenshot 01

Collected info about the Atari 8-bit disk layout (DOS 2.x, MyDOS, SpartaDOS, KBoot) and different disk drives.

  • Atari 8-bit Disk Formats (Ken Siders)
  • About the Disk Format (Nir Dary)
  • The Basics of a Sector (Nir Dary)
  • Floppy Disk Technical Info (Freddy Offenga)
  • Floppy Type Identification (Karsten Schmidt)
  • SpartaDos Disk Layout

Atari BASIC autorun disk (ATR / 7-Zip): Disk Formats Explained
Documents (TXT & HTML / 7-Zip): Disk Formats Explained (documents)
Read online: Disk Formats Explained

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